from enigma import eEPGCache, getBestPlayableServiceReference, \ eServiceReference, iRecordableService, quitMainloop from Components.config import config from Components.UsageConfig import defaultMoviePath from Components.TimerSanityCheck import TimerSanityCheck from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox import Screens.Standby from Tools import Directories, Notifications, ASCIItranslit from Tools.XMLTools import stringToXML import timer import xml.etree.cElementTree import NavigationInstance from ServiceReference import ServiceReference from time import localtime, strftime, ctime, time from bisect import insort # ok, for descriptions etc we have: # service reference (to get the service name) # name (title) # description (description) # event data (ONLY for time adjustments etc.) # parses an event, and gives out a (begin, end, name, duration, eit)-tuple. # begin and end will be corrected def parseEvent(ev, description = True): if description: name = ev.getEventName() description = ev.getShortDescription() else: name = "" description = "" begin = ev.getBeginTime() end = begin + ev.getDuration() eit = ev.getEventId() begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60 end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60 return (begin, end, name, description, eit) class AFTEREVENT: NONE = 0 STANDBY = 1 DEEPSTANDBY = 2 AUTO = 3 # please do not translate log messages class RecordTimerEntry(timer.TimerEntry, object): ######### the following static methods and members are only in use when the box is in (soft) standby receiveRecordEvents = False @staticmethod def shutdown(): quitMainloop(1) @staticmethod def staticGotRecordEvent(recservice, event): if event == iRecordableService.evEnd: print "RecordTimer.staticGotRecordEvent(iRecordableService.evEnd)" recordings = NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings() if not recordings: # no more recordings exist rec_time = NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() if rec_time > 0 and (rec_time - time()) < 360: print "another recording starts in", rec_time - time(), "seconds... do not shutdown yet" else: print "no starting records in the next 360 seconds... immediate shutdown" RecordTimerEntry.shutdown() # immediate shutdown elif event == iRecordableService.evStart: print "RecordTimer.staticGotRecordEvent(iRecordableService.evStart)" @staticmethod def stopTryQuitMainloop(): print "RecordTimer.stopTryQuitMainloop" NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.remove(RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent) RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents = False @staticmethod def TryQuitMainloop(default_yes = True): if not RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents: print "RecordTimer.TryQuitMainloop" NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.append(RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent) RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents = True # send fake event.. to check if another recordings are running or # other timers start in a few seconds RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent(None, iRecordableService.evEnd) # send normal notification for the case the user leave the standby now.. Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop, 1, onSessionOpenCallback=RecordTimerEntry.stopTryQuitMainloop, default_yes = default_yes) ################################################################# def __init__(self, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled = False, justplay = False, afterEvent = AFTEREVENT.AUTO, checkOldTimers = False, dirname = None, tags = None): timer.TimerEntry.__init__(self, int(begin), int(end)) if checkOldTimers == True: if self.begin < time() - 1209600: self.begin = int(time()) if self.end < self.begin: self.end = self.begin assert isinstance(serviceref, ServiceReference) if serviceref.isRecordable(): self.service_ref = serviceref else: self.service_ref = ServiceReference(None) self.eit = eit self.dontSave = False = name self.description = description self.disabled = disabled self.timer = None self.__record_service = None self.start_prepare = 0 self.justplay = justplay self.afterEvent = afterEvent self.dirname = dirname self.dirnameHadToFallback = False self.autoincrease = False self.autoincreasetime = 3600 * 24 # 1 day self.tags = tags or [] self.log_entries = [] self.resetState() def log(self, code, msg): self.log_entries.append((int(time()), code, msg)) print "[TIMER]", msg def calculateFilename(self): service_name = self.service_ref.getServiceName() begin_date = strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(self.begin)) begin_shortdate = strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(self.begin)) print "begin_date: ", begin_date print "service_name: ", service_name print "name:", print "description: ", self.description filename = begin_date + " - " + service_name if if config.usage.setup_level.index >= 2: # expert+ if config.recording.filename_composition.value == "short": filename = begin_shortdate + " - " + elif config.recording.filename_composition.value == "long": filename += " - " + + " - " + self.description else: filename += " - " + # standard else: filename += " - " + if config.recording.ascii_filenames.value: filename = ASCIItranslit.legacyEncode(filename) if not self.dirname or not Directories.fileExists(self.dirname, 'w'): if self.dirname: self.dirnameHadToFallback = True dirname = defaultMoviePath() else: dirname = self.dirname self.Filename = Directories.getRecordingFilename(filename, dirname) self.log(0, "Filename calculated as: '%s'" % self.Filename) #begin_date + " - " + service_name + description) def tryPrepare(self): if self.justplay: return True else: self.calculateFilename() rec_ref = self.service_ref and self.service_ref.ref if rec_ref and rec_ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: rec_ref = getBestPlayableServiceReference(rec_ref, eServiceReference()) if not rec_ref: self.log(1, "'get best playable service for group... record' failed") return False self.record_service = rec_ref and NavigationInstance.instance.recordService(rec_ref) if not self.record_service: self.log(1, "'record service' failed") return False if self.repeated: epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance() queryTime=self.begin+(self.end-self.begin)/2 evt = epgcache.lookupEventTime(rec_ref, queryTime) if evt: self.description = evt.getShortDescription() event_id = evt.getEventId() else: event_id = -1 else: event_id = self.eit if event_id is None: event_id = -1 prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + ".ts", self.begin, self.end, event_id,"\n", ""), self.description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags)) if prep_res: if prep_res == -255: self.log(4, "failed to write meta information") else: self.log(2, "'prepare' failed: error %d" % prep_res) # we must calc nur start time before stopRecordService call because in Screens/ TryQuitMainloop tries to get # the next start time in evEnd event handler... self.do_backoff() self.start_prepare = time() + self.backoff NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service) self.record_service = None return False return True def do_backoff(self): if self.backoff == 0: self.backoff = 5 else: self.backoff *= 2 if self.backoff > 100: self.backoff = 100 self.log(10, "backoff: retry in %d seconds" % self.backoff) def activate(self): next_state = self.state + 1 self.log(5, "activating state %d" % next_state) if next_state == self.StatePrepared: if self.tryPrepare(): self.log(6, "prepare ok, waiting for begin") # create file to "reserve" the filename # because another recording at the same time on another service can try to record the same event # i.e. cable / sat.. then the second recording needs an own extension... when we create the file # here than calculateFilename is happy if not self.justplay: open(self.Filename + ".ts", "w").close() # fine. it worked, resources are allocated. self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True self.log(7, "prepare failed") if self.first_try_prepare: self.first_try_prepare = False cur_ref = NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() if cur_ref and not cur_ref.getPath(): if not config.recording.asktozap.value: self.log(8, "asking user to zap away") Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB, MessageBox, _("A timer failed to record!\nDisable TV and try again?\n"), timeout=20) else: # zap without asking self.log(9, "zap without asking") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!\n"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20) self.failureCB(True) elif cur_ref: self.log(8, "currently running service is not a live service.. so stop it makes no sense") else: self.log(8, "currently no service running... so we dont need to stop it") return False elif next_state == self.StateRunning: # if this timer has been cancelled, just go to "end" state. if self.cancelled: return True if self.justplay: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: self.log(11, "wakeup and zap") #set service to zap after standby Screens.Standby.inStandby.prev_running_service = self.service_ref.ref #wakeup standby Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() else: self.log(11, "zapping") NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref) return True else: self.log(11, "start recording") record_res = self.record_service.start() if record_res: self.log(13, "start record returned %d" % record_res) self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff return False return True elif next_state == self.StateEnded: old_end = self.end if self.setAutoincreaseEnd(): self.log(12, "autoincrase recording %d minute(s)" % int((self.end - old_end)/60)) self.state -= 1 return True self.log(12, "stop recording") if not self.justplay: NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service) self.record_service = None if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to set your\nDreambox to standby. Do that now?"), timeout = 20) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby RecordTimerEntry.TryQuitMainloop() # start shutdown handling without screen else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to shut down\nyour Dreambox. Shutdown now?"), timeout = 20) return True def setAutoincreaseEnd(self, entry = None): if not self.autoincrease: return False if entry is None: new_end = int(time()) + self.autoincreasetime else: new_end = entry.begin -30 dummyentry = RecordTimerEntry(self.service_ref, self.begin, new_end,, self.description, self.eit, disabled=True, justplay = self.justplay, afterEvent = self.afterEvent, dirname = self.dirname, tags = self.tags) dummyentry.disabled = self.disabled timersanitycheck = TimerSanityCheck(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.timer_list, dummyentry) if not timersanitycheck.check(): simulTimerList = timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList() new_end = simulTimerList[1].begin del simulTimerList new_end -= 30 # 30 Sekunden Prepare-Zeit lassen del dummyentry if new_end <= time(): return False self.end = new_end return True def sendStandbyNotification(self, answer): if answer: Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.Standby) def sendTryQuitMainloopNotification(self, answer): if answer: Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop, 1) def getNextActivation(self): if self.state == self.StateEnded: return self.end next_state = self.state + 1 return {self.StatePrepared: self.start_prepare, self.StateRunning: self.begin, self.StateEnded: self.end }[next_state] def failureCB(self, answer): if answer == True: self.log(13, "ok, zapped away") #NavigationInstance.instance.stopUserServices() NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref) else: self.log(14, "user didn't want to zap away, record will probably fail") def timeChanged(self): old_prepare = self.start_prepare self.start_prepare = self.begin - self.prepare_time self.backoff = 0 if int(old_prepare) != int(self.start_prepare): self.log(15, "record time changed, start prepare is now: %s" % ctime(self.start_prepare)) def gotRecordEvent(self, record, event): # TODO: this is not working (never true), please fix. (comparing two swig wrapped ePtrs) if self.__record_service.__deref__() != record.__deref__(): return self.log(16, "record event %d" % event) if event == iRecordableService.evRecordWriteError: print "WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?" # show notification. the 'id' will make sure that it will be # displayed only once, even if more timers are failing at the # same time. (which is very likely in case of disk fullness) Notifications.AddPopup(text = _("Write error while recording. Disk full?\n"), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "DiskFullMessage") # ok, the recording has been stopped. we need to properly note # that in our state, with also keeping the possibility to re-try. # TODO: this has to be done. elif event == iRecordableService.evStart: text = _("A record has been started:\n%s") % if self.dirnameHadToFallback: text = '\n'.join((text, _("Please note that the previously selected media could not be accessed and therefore the default directory is being used instead."))) if config.usage.show_message_when_recording_starts.value: Notifications.AddPopup(text = text, type = MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout = 3) # we have record_service as property to automatically subscribe to record service events def setRecordService(self, service): if self.__record_service is not None: print "[remove callback]" NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.remove(self.gotRecordEvent) self.__record_service = service if self.__record_service is not None: print "[add callback]" NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.append(self.gotRecordEvent) record_service = property(lambda self: self.__record_service, setRecordService) def createTimer(xml): begin = int(xml.get("begin")) end = int(xml.get("end")) serviceref = ServiceReference(xml.get("serviceref").encode("utf-8")) description = xml.get("description").encode("utf-8") repeated = xml.get("repeated").encode("utf-8") disabled = long(xml.get("disabled") or "0") justplay = long(xml.get("justplay") or "0") afterevent = str(xml.get("afterevent") or "nothing") afterevent = { "nothing": AFTEREVENT.NONE, "standby": AFTEREVENT.STANDBY, "deepstandby": AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY, "auto": AFTEREVENT.AUTO }[afterevent] eit = xml.get("eit") if eit and eit != "None": eit = long(eit); else: eit = None location = xml.get("location") if location and location != "None": location = location.encode("utf-8") else: location = None tags = xml.get("tags") if tags and tags != "None": tags = tags.encode("utf-8").split(' ') else: tags = None name = xml.get("name").encode("utf-8") #filename = xml.get("filename").encode("utf-8") entry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname = location, tags = tags) entry.repeated = int(repeated) for l in xml.findall("log"): time = int(l.get("time")) code = int(l.get("code")) msg = l.text.strip().encode("utf-8") entry.log_entries.append((time, code, msg)) return entry class RecordTimer(timer.Timer): def __init__(self): timer.Timer.__init__(self) self.Filename = Directories.resolveFilename(Directories.SCOPE_CONFIG, "timers.xml") try: self.loadTimer() except IOError: print "unable to load timers from file!" def doActivate(self, w): # when activating a timer which has already passed, # simply abort the timer. don't run trough all the stages. if w.shouldSkip(): w.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded else: # when active returns true, this means "accepted". # otherwise, the current state is kept. # the timer entry itself will fix up the delay then. if w.activate(): w.state += 1 self.timer_list.remove(w) # did this timer reached the last state? if w.state < RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded: # no, sort it into active list insort(self.timer_list, w) else: # yes. Process repeated, and re-add. if w.repeated: w.processRepeated() w.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateWaiting self.addTimerEntry(w) else: insort(self.processed_timers, w) self.stateChanged(w) def isRecording(self): isRunning = False for timer in self.timer_list: if timer.isRunning() and not timer.justplay: isRunning = True return isRunning def loadTimer(self): # TODO: PATH! try: doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(self.Filename) except SyntaxError: from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox AddPopup(_("The timer file (timers.xml) is corrupt and could not be loaded."), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "TimerLoadFailed") print "timers.xml failed to load!" try: import os os.rename(self.Filename, self.Filename + "_old") except (IOError, OSError): print "renaming broken timer failed" return except IOError: print "timers.xml not found!" return root = doc.getroot() # put out a message when at least one timer overlaps checkit = True for timer in root.findall("timer"): newTimer = createTimer(timer) if (self.record(newTimer, True, True) is not None) and (checkit == True): from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox AddPopup(_("Timer overlap in timers.xml detected!\nPlease recheck it!"), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "TimerLoadFailed") checkit = False # at moment it is enough when the message is displayed one time def saveTimer(self): #root_element = xml.etree.cElementTree.Element('timers') #root_element.text = "\n" #for timer in self.timer_list + self.processed_timers: # some timers (instant records) don't want to be saved. # skip them #if timer.dontSave: #continue #t = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(root_element, 'timers') #t.set("begin", str(int(timer.begin))) #t.set("end", str(int(timer.end))) #t.set("serviceref", str(timer.service_ref)) #t.set("repeated", str(timer.repeated)) #t.set("name", #t.set("description", timer.description) #t.set("afterevent", str({ # AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing", # AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: "standby", # AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby", # AFTEREVENT.AUTO: "auto"})) #if timer.eit is not None: # t.set("eit", str(timer.eit)) #if timer.dirname is not None: # t.set("location", str(timer.dirname)) #t.set("disabled", str(int(timer.disabled))) #t.set("justplay", str(int(timer.justplay))) #t.text = "\n" #t.tail = "\n" #for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries: #l = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(t, 'log') #l.set("time", str(time)) #l.set("code", str(code)) #l.text = str(msg) #l.tail = "\n" #doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.ElementTree(root_element) #doc.write(self.Filename) list = [] list.append('\n') list.append('\n') for timer in self.timer_list + self.processed_timers: if timer.dontSave: continue list.append('\n') if config.recording.debug.value: for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries: list.append('') list.append(str(stringToXML(msg))) list.append('\n') list.append('\n') list.append('\n') file = open(self.Filename, "w") for x in list: file.write(x) file.close() def getNextZapTime(self): now = time() for timer in self.timer_list: if not timer.justplay or timer.begin < now: continue return timer.begin return -1 def getNextRecordingTime(self): now = time() for timer in self.timer_list: next_act = timer.getNextActivation() if timer.justplay or next_act < now: continue return next_act return -1 def isNextRecordAfterEventActionAuto(self): now = time() t = None for timer in self.timer_list: if timer.justplay or timer.begin < now: continue if t is None or t.begin == timer.begin: t = timer if t.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO: return True return False def record(self, entry, ignoreTSC=False, dosave=True): #wird von loadTimer mit dosave=False aufgerufen timersanitycheck = TimerSanityCheck(self.timer_list,entry) if not timersanitycheck.check(): if ignoreTSC != True: print "timer conflict detected!" print timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList() return timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList() else: print "ignore timer conflict" elif timersanitycheck.doubleCheck(): print "ignore double timer" return None entry.timeChanged() print "[Timer] Record " + str(entry) entry.Timer = self self.addTimerEntry(entry) if dosave: self.saveTimer() return None def isInTimer(self, eventid, begin, duration, service): time_match = 0 chktime = None chktimecmp = None chktimecmp_end = None end = begin + duration refstr = str(service) for x in self.timer_list: check = x.service_ref.ref.toString() == refstr if not check: sref = x.service_ref.ref parent_sid = sref.getUnsignedData(5) parent_tsid = sref.getUnsignedData(6) if parent_sid and parent_tsid: # check for subservice sid = sref.getUnsignedData(1) tsid = sref.getUnsignedData(2) sref.setUnsignedData(1, parent_sid) sref.setUnsignedData(2, parent_tsid) sref.setUnsignedData(5, 0) sref.setUnsignedData(6, 0) check = sref.toCompareString() == refstr num = 0 if check: check = False event = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEventId(sref, eventid) num = event and event.getNumOfLinkageServices() or 0 sref.setUnsignedData(1, sid) sref.setUnsignedData(2, tsid) sref.setUnsignedData(5, parent_sid) sref.setUnsignedData(6, parent_tsid) for cnt in range(num): subservice = event.getLinkageService(sref, cnt) if sref.toCompareString() == subservice.toCompareString(): check = True break if check: if x.repeated != 0: if chktime is None: chktime = localtime(begin) chktimecmp = chktime.tm_wday * 1440 + chktime.tm_hour * 60 + chktime.tm_min chktimecmp_end = chktimecmp + (duration / 60) time = localtime(x.begin) for y in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): if x.repeated & (1 << y) and (x.begin <= begin or begin <= x.begin <= end): timecmp = y * 1440 + time.tm_hour * 60 + time.tm_min if timecmp <= chktimecmp < (timecmp + ((x.end - x.begin) / 60)): time_match = ((timecmp + ((x.end - x.begin) / 60)) - chktimecmp) * 60 elif chktimecmp <= timecmp < chktimecmp_end: time_match = (chktimecmp_end - timecmp) * 60 else: #if x.eit is None: if begin <= x.begin <= end: diff = end - x.begin if time_match < diff: time_match = diff elif x.begin <= begin <= x.end: diff = x.end - begin if time_match < diff: time_match = diff if time_match: break return time_match def removeEntry(self, entry): print "[Timer] Remove " + str(entry) # avoid re-enqueuing entry.repeated = False # abort timer. # this sets the end time to current time, so timer will be stopped. entry.autoincrease = False entry.abort() if entry.state != entry.StateEnded: self.timeChanged(entry) print "state: ", entry.state print "in processed: ", entry in self.processed_timers print "in running: ", entry in self.timer_list # autoincrease instanttimer if possible if not entry.dontSave: for x in self.timer_list: if x.setAutoincreaseEnd(): self.timeChanged(x) # now the timer should be in the processed_timers list. remove it from there. self.processed_timers.remove(entry) self.saveTimer() def shutdown(self): self.saveTimer()