# Kodi's travis-ci.org integration file # NOTES: # The travis-ci Gods have environmental concerns with verbosity and clang/xcode builds. # A nice message is presented in such cases: # "The log length has exceeded the limit of 4 MB (this usually means that the test suite is raising the # same exception over and over). The job has been terminated" # # travis-ci has a problem with python 2.7 (see https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/4948) so we mark # used language as 'generic' to work around it # TODO: # integrate with slack # make it perfect... or not ;-r language: generic # - cpp # - python # python: # - "2.7" # Define the build matrix # # Travis defaults to building on Ubuntu Precise when building on Linux. We need Trusty in order to get up # to date versions of cmake and g++. # matrix: fast_finish: true include: - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: required compiler: gcc # Prepare system # # Prepare the system to install prerequisites or dependencies # before_install: # Linux # # Install team-xbmc/xbmc-ppa-build-depends for some dependencies and ppa:wsnipex/vaapi for libda-dev 1.6.0. # Stupid libda-dev 1.3.0 does not work on Trusty. # - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-ppa-build-depends && sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:wsnipex/vaapi && sudo apt-get update -qq; fi # Install dependencies # # Install any prerequisites or dependencies necessary to run our builds # install: # Linux dependencies # - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -qq automake autopoint build-essential cmake curl dcadec-dev default-jre gawk gdc gettext git-core gperf libasound2-dev libass-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libbz2-dev libcap-dev libcdio-dev libcrossguid-dev libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libfontconfig-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libfreetype6-dev libfribidi-dev libgif-dev libglew-dev libiso9660-dev libjasper-dev libjpeg-dev libltdl-dev liblzo2-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libmodplug-dev libmpeg2-4-dev libmpeg3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libnfs-dev libogg-dev libpcre3-dev libplist-dev libpng-dev libpulse-dev libsdl2-dev libsmbclient-dev libsqlite3-dev libssh-dev libssl-dev libtiff-dev libtag1-dev libtinyxml-dev libtool libudev-dev libusb-dev libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libvorbisenc2 libxml2-dev libxmu-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libxslt1-dev libxt-dev libyajl-dev mesa-utils nasm pmount python-dev python-imaging python-sqlite swig unzip uuid-dev yasm zip zlib1g-dev; fi # Prepare builds # before_script: # Linux # - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ && ./bootstrap && ./configure; fi # Actually build # script: make -j3 # Disable annoying emails # notifications: email: false