use std::list instead of std::set for caid/capid pairs to support duplicate caids
[vuplus_dvbapp] / lib / python / Plugins / Extensions / DVDBurn / Text_menu_boat.ddvdm.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 <DreamDVDBurnMenu>
3         <settings
4                 titleformat="$i. $t"
5                 subtitleformat="$D.$M.$Y, $T $C, $d"
6                 menubg="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DVDBurn/dreamdvd_boat.jpg"
7                 menuaudio="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DVDBurn/silence.mp2"
8                 dimensions="(720, 576)"
9                 rows="5"
10                 cols="1"
11                 color_button="[8, 0, 0]"
12                 color_highlight="[0, 192, 192]"
13                 color_headline="[0, 0, 128]"
14                 fontface_headline="/usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf"
15                 fontface_title="/usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf"
16                 fontface_subtitle="/usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf"
17                 fontsize_headline="46"
18                 fontsize_title="24"
19                 fontsize_subtitle="14"
20                 margin_left="56"
21                 margin_right="56"
22                 margin_top="100"
23                 margin_bottom="70"
24                 space_rows="30"
25                 space_cols="40"
26                 offset_headline="(-1, 40)"
27                 offset_title="(0, 0)"
28                 offset_subtitle="(0, 32)"
29                 offset_thumb="(0, 0)"
30                 thumb_size="(0, 0)"
31                 thumb_border="0"
32                 prev_page_text="«««"
33                 next_page_text="»»»"
34         />
35 </DreamDVDBurnMenu>