To Use this Tools "pythonwifi" needs to be present on your dreambox! You can get pythonwifi as a tar Archive from (originally from Simply copy the contained folder to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages and install the plugin with -force-depends. I will provide an ipkg for pythonwifi soon (or include it into an provided ipkg of the plugin). You will also need to build and install wpa-supplicant and wireless-tools, which both come with Openembedded and work fine by default. Besides this Tools installed the Plugin requires the wlan-interface to be up and running for doing a scan. This means the Driver has to be loaded correctly and an ifup wlan0 (or whatever the interface has been named) has to be done. Later on there will be some start-scripts or something like that created the plugin doing at least the ifup for you, but for no you have to do it manually! Wireless Device-Drivers: Please do NOT even think about asking me for drivers for your wireless device! I've tested and developed this tool on a zd1211 based wireless usb stick and it worked quite fine for me (even with wpa). You can find the zd1211 and zd1211b drivers in Openembedded (for the b version you need to modify the makefile-patch).