; package.list should contain all file names of packages which are already in the "new" package format (the package contains the paths to the libraries ; and headers relative to the XBMC root directory, stored in a zip container) ; example sqlite- ; -> (package name)\(relative path to file) ; -> sqlite-\project\BuildDependencies\lib\sqlite3.lib ; -> sqlite-\system\sqlite3.dll ; -> ... boost-1.46.1-headers-win32.7z dnssd-541-win32.zip doxygen-1.8.2-win32.7z gnutls-3.2.3-win32.zip lame_enc-3.99.5-win32.7z libass-0.10.2-win32.7z libbluray-0.4.0-win32.zip libjpeg-turbo-1.2.0-win32.7z libnfs-1.6.2-win32.7z libshairplay-41a66c9-win32.7z libssh-0.5.0-1-win32.zip libxml2-2.7.8_1-win32.7z libxslt-1.1.26_1-win32.7z mysqlclient-vc100-6.1.3-win32.7z pcre-8.33_1-win32.7z python-2.7.5-2-win32.7z sqlite- taglib-1.8-win32.7z tinyxml-2.6.2_3-win32.7z