#!/usr/bin/env python # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell # Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer # Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. import sys, os, getopt, glob, copy, os.path, re sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'lib')) import bb from bb import make from sets import Set import itertools, optparse parsespin = itertools.cycle( r'|/-\\' ) bbdebug = 0 __version__ = "1.3.1" #============================================================================# # BBParsingStatus #============================================================================# class BBParsingStatus: """ The initial idea for this status class is to use the data when it is already loaded instead of loading it from various place over and over again. """ def __init__(self): self.cache_dirty = False self.providers = {} self.bbfile_priority = {} self.bbfile_config_priorities = [] self.ignored_depedencies = None self.possible_world = [] self.world_target = Set() self.pkg_pn = {} self.pkg_fn = {} self.pkg_pvpr = {} self.pkg_dp = {} self.pn_provides = {} self.all_depends = Set() def handle_bb_data(self, file_name, bb_data, cached): """ We will fill the dictionaries with the stuff we need for building the tree more fast """ if bb_data == None: return if not cached: self.cache_dirty = True pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', bb_data, True) pv = bb.data.getVar('PV', bb_data, True) pr = bb.data.getVar('PR', bb_data, True) dp = int(bb.data.getVar('DEFAULT_PREFERENCE', bb_data, True) or "0") provides = Set([pn] + (bb.data.getVar("PROVIDES", bb_data, 1) or "").split()) depends = (bb.data.getVar("DEPENDS", bb_data, True) or "").split() # build PackageName to FileName lookup table if pn not in self.pkg_pn: self.pkg_pn[pn] = [] self.pkg_pn[pn].append(file_name) # build FileName to PackageName lookup table self.pkg_fn[file_name] = pn self.pkg_pvpr[file_name] = (pv,pr) self.pkg_dp[file_name] = dp # Build forward and reverse provider hashes # Forward: virtual -> [filenames] # Reverse: PN -> [virtuals] if pn not in self.pn_provides: self.pn_provides[pn] = Set() self.pn_provides[pn] |= provides for provide in provides: if provide not in self.providers: self.providers[provide] = [] self.providers[provide].append(file_name) for dep in depends: self.all_depends.add(dep) # Collect files we may need for possible world-dep # calculations if not bb.data.getVar('BROKEN', bb_data, True) and not bb.data.getVar('EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD', bb_data, True): self.possible_world.append(file_name) #============================================================================# # BBStatistics #============================================================================# class BBStatistics: """ Manage build statistics for one run """ def __init__(self ): self.attempt = 0 self.success = 0 self.fail = 0 self.deps = 0 def show( self ): print "Build statistics:" print " Attempted builds: %d" % self.attempt if self.fail: print " Failed builds: %d" % self.fail if self.deps: print " Dependencies not satisfied: %d" % self.deps if self.fail or self.deps: return 1 else: return 0 #============================================================================# # BBCooker #============================================================================# class BBCooker: """ Manages one bitbake build run """ ParsingStatus = BBParsingStatus # make it visible from the shell Statistics = BBStatistics # make it visible from the shell def __init__( self ): self.build_cache_fail = [] self.build_cache = [] self.building_list = [] self.build_path = [] self.consider_msgs_cache = [] self.preferred = {} self.stats = BBStatistics() self.status = None def tryBuildPackage( self, fn, item, the_data ): """Build one package""" bb.event.fire(bb.event.PkgStarted(item, the_data)) try: self.stats.attempt += 1 if make.options.force: bb.data.setVarFlag('do_%s' % make.options.cmd, 'force', 1, the_data) if not make.options.dry_run: bb.build.exec_task('do_%s' % make.options.cmd, the_data) bb.event.fire(bb.event.PkgSucceeded(item, the_data)) self.build_cache.append(fn) return True except bb.build.FuncFailed: self.stats.fail += 1 bb.error("task stack execution failed") bb.event.fire(bb.event.PkgFailed(item, the_data)) self.build_cache_fail.append(fn) raise except bb.build.EventException, e: self.stats.fail += 1 event = e.args[1] bb.error("%s event exception, aborting" % bb.event.getName(event)) bb.event.fire(bb.event.PkgFailed(item, the_data)) self.build_cache_fail.append(fn) raise def tryBuild( self, fn, virtual ): """Build a provider and its dependencies""" if fn in self.building_list: bb.error("%s depends on itself (eventually)" % fn) bb.error("upwards chain is: %s" % (" -> ".join(self.build_path))) return False the_data = make.pkgdata[fn] item = self.status.pkg_fn[fn] self.building_list.append(fn) pathstr = "%s (%s)" % (item, virtual) self.build_path.append(pathstr) depends_list = (bb.data.getVar('DEPENDS', the_data, 1) or "").split() if make.options.verbose: bb.note("current path: %s" % (" -> ".join(self.build_path))) bb.note("dependencies for %s are: %s" % (item, " ".join(depends_list))) try: failed = False depcmd = make.options.cmd bbdepcmd = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_%s' % make.options.cmd, 'bbdepcmd', the_data) if bbdepcmd is not None: if bbdepcmd == "": depcmd = None else: depcmd = bbdepcmd if depcmd: oldcmd = make.options.cmd make.options.cmd = depcmd for dependency in depends_list: if dependency in self.status.ignored_dependencies: continue if not depcmd: continue if self.buildProvider( dependency ) == 0: bb.error("dependency %s (for %s) not satisfied" % (dependency,item)) failed = True if make.options.abort: break if depcmd: make.options.cmd = oldcmd if failed: self.stats.deps += 1 return False if bb.build.stamp_is_current('do_%s' % make.options.cmd, the_data): self.build_cache.append(fn) return True return self.tryBuildPackage( fn, item, the_data ) finally: self.building_list.remove(fn) self.build_path.remove(pathstr) def findBestProvider( self, pn ): """ If there is a PREFERRED_VERSION, find the highest-priority bbfile providing that version. If not, find the latest version provided by an bbfile in the highest-priority set. """ pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn files = pkg_pn[pn] priorities = {} for f in files: priority = self.status.bbfile_priority[f] if priority not in priorities: priorities[priority] = [] priorities[priority].append(f) p_list = priorities.keys() p_list.sort(lambda a, b: a - b) tmp_pn = [] for p in p_list: tmp_pn = priorities[p] + tmp_pn pkg_pn[pn] = tmp_pn preferred_file = None preferred_v = bb.data.getVar('PREFERRED_VERSION_%s' % pn, make.cfg, 1) if preferred_v: m = re.match('(.*)_(.*)', preferred_v) if m: preferred_v = m.group(1) preferred_r = m.group(2) else: preferred_r = None for f in pkg_pn[pn]: pv,pr = self.status.pkg_pvpr[f] if preferred_v == pv and (preferred_r == pr or preferred_r == None): preferred_file = f preferred_ver = (pv, pr) break if preferred_r: pv_str = '%s-%s' % (preferred_v, preferred_r) else: pv_str = preferred_v if preferred_file is None: bb.note("preferred version %s of %s not available" % (pv_str, pn)) else: bb.debug(1, "selecting %s as PREFERRED_VERSION %s of package %s" % (preferred_file, pv_str, pn)) # get highest priority file set files = pkg_pn[pn] latest = None latest_p = 0 latest_f = None for file_name in files: pv,pr = self.status.pkg_pvpr[file_name] dp = self.status.pkg_dp[file_name] if (latest is None) or ((latest_p == dp) and (make.vercmp(latest, (pv, pr)) < 0)) or (dp > latest_p): latest = (pv, pr) latest_f = file_name latest_p = dp if preferred_file is None: preferred_file = latest_f preferred_ver = latest return (latest,latest_f,preferred_ver, preferred_file) def showVersions( self ): pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn preferred_versions = {} latest_versions = {} # Sort by priority for pn in pkg_pn.keys(): (last_ver,last_file,pref_ver,pref_file) = self.findBestProvider(pn) preferred_versions[pn] = (pref_ver, pref_file) latest_versions[pn] = (last_ver, last_file) pkg_list = pkg_pn.keys() pkg_list.sort() for p in pkg_list: pref = preferred_versions[p] latest = latest_versions[p] if pref != latest: prefstr = pref[0][0] + "-" + pref[0][1] else: prefstr = "" print "%-30s %20s %20s" % (p, latest[0][0] + "-" + latest[0][1], prefstr) def buildProvider( self, item ): fn = None discriminated = False if item not in self.status.providers: bb.error("Nothing provides %s" % item) return 0 all_p = self.status.providers[item] for p in all_p: if p in self.build_cache: bb.debug(1, "already built %s in this run\n" % p) return 1 eligible = [] preferred_versions = {} # Collate providers by PN pkg_pn = {} for p in all_p: pn = self.status.pkg_fn[p] if pn not in pkg_pn: pkg_pn[pn] = [] pkg_pn[pn].append(p) bb.debug(1, "providers for %s are: %s" % (item, pkg_pn.keys())) for pn in pkg_pn.keys(): preferred_versions[pn] = self.findBestProvider(pn)[2:4] eligible.append(preferred_versions[pn][1]) for p in eligible: if p in self.build_cache_fail: bb.debug(1, "rejecting already-failed %s" % p) eligible.remove(p) if len(eligible) == 0: bb.error("no eligible providers for %s" % item) return 0 # look to see if one of them is already staged, or marked as preferred. # if so, bump it to the head of the queue for p in all_p: the_data = make.pkgdata[p] pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', the_data, 1) pv = bb.data.getVar('PV', the_data, 1) pr = bb.data.getVar('PR', the_data, 1) tmpdir = bb.data.getVar('TMPDIR', the_data, 1) stamp = '%s/stamps/%s-%s-%s.do_populate_staging' % (tmpdir, pn, pv, pr) if os.path.exists(stamp): (newvers, fn) = preferred_versions[pn] if not fn in eligible: # package was made ineligible by already-failed check continue oldver = "%s-%s" % (pv, pr) newver = '-'.join(newvers) if (newver != oldver): extra_chat = "; upgrading from %s to %s" % (oldver, newver) else: extra_chat = "" if make.options.verbose: bb.note("selecting already-staged %s to satisfy %s%s" % (pn, item, extra_chat)) eligible.remove(fn) eligible = [fn] + eligible discriminated = True break prefervar = bb.data.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s' % item, make.cfg, 1) if prefervar: self.preferred[item] = prefervar if item in self.preferred: for p in eligible: pn = self.status.pkg_fn[p] if self.preferred[item] == pn: if make.options.verbose: bb.note("selecting %s to satisfy %s due to PREFERRED_PROVIDERS" % (pn, item)) eligible.remove(p) eligible = [p] + eligible discriminated = True break if len(eligible) > 1 and discriminated == False: if item not in self.consider_msgs_cache: providers_list = [] for fn in eligible: providers_list.append(self.status.pkg_fn[fn]) bb.note("multiple providers are available (%s);" % ", ".join(providers_list)) bb.note("consider defining PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item) self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item) # run through the list until we find one that we can build for fn in eligible: bb.debug(2, "selecting %s to satisfy %s" % (fn, item)) if self.tryBuild(fn, item): return 1 bb.note("no buildable providers for %s" % item) return 0 def buildDepgraph( self ): all_depends = self.status.all_depends pn_provides = self.status.pn_provides def calc_bbfile_priority(filename): for (regex, pri) in self.status.bbfile_config_priorities: if regex.match(filename): return pri return 0 # Handle PREFERRED_PROVIDERS for p in (bb.data.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDERS', make.cfg, 1) or "").split(): (providee, provider) = p.split(':') if providee in self.preferred and self.preferred[providee] != provider: bb.error("conflicting preferences for %s: both %s and %s specified" % (providee, provider, self.preferred[providee])) self.preferred[providee] = provider # Calculate priorities for each file for p in make.pkgdata.keys(): self.status.bbfile_priority[p] = calc_bbfile_priority(p) # Build package list for "bitbake world" bb.debug(1, "collating packages for \"world\"") for f in self.status.possible_world: terminal = True pn = self.status.pkg_fn[f] for p in pn_provides[pn]: if p.startswith('virtual/'): bb.debug(2, "skipping %s due to %s provider starting with virtual/" % (f, p)) terminal = False break for pf in self.status.providers[p]: if self.status.pkg_fn[pf] != pn: bb.debug(2, "skipping %s due to both us and %s providing %s" % (f, pf, p)) terminal = False break if terminal: self.status.world_target.add(pn) # drop reference count now self.status.possible_world = None self.status.all_depends = None def myProgressCallback( self, x, y, f, file_data, from_cache ): # feed the status with new input self.status.handle_bb_data(f, file_data, from_cache) if bbdebug > 0: return if os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()): sys.stdout.write("\rNOTE: Handling BitBake files: %s (%04d/%04d) [%2d %%]" % ( parsespin.next(), x, y, x*100/y ) ) sys.stdout.flush() else: if x == 1: sys.stdout.write("Parsing .bb files, please wait...") sys.stdout.flush() if x == y: sys.stdout.write("done.") sys.stdout.flush() def interactiveMode( self ): """Drop off into a shell""" try: from bb import shell except ImportError, details: bb.fatal("Sorry, shell not available (%s)" % details ) else: shell.start( self ) sys.exit( 0 ) def parseConfigurationFile( self, afile ): try: make.cfg = bb.parse.handle( afile, make.cfg ) except IOError: bb.fatal( "Unable to open %s" % afile ) except bb.parse.ParseError: bb.fatal( "Unable to parse %s" % afile ) def handleCollections( self, collections ): """Handle collections""" if collections: collection_list = collections.split() for c in collection_list: regex = bb.data.getVar("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s" % c, make.cfg, 1) if regex == None: bb.error("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s not defined" % c) continue priority = bb.data.getVar("BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s" % c, make.cfg, 1) if priority == None: bb.error("BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s not defined" % c) continue try: cre = re.compile(regex) except re.error: bb.error("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s \"%s\" is not a valid regular expression" % (c, regex)) continue try: pri = int(priority) self.status.bbfile_config_priorities.append((cre, pri)) except ValueError: bb.error("invalid value for BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s: \"%s\"" % (c, priority)) def cook( self, args ): if not make.options.cmd: make.options.cmd = "build" if make.options.debug: bb.debug_level = make.options.debug make.cfg = bb.data.init() for f in make.options.file: self.parseConfigurationFile( f ) self.parseConfigurationFile( os.path.join( "conf", "bitbake.conf" ) ) if not bb.data.getVar("BUILDNAME", make.cfg): bb.data.setVar("BUILDNAME", os.popen('date +%Y%m%d%H%M').readline().strip(), make.cfg) buildname = bb.data.getVar("BUILDNAME", make.cfg) if make.options.interactive: self.interactiveMode() if make.options.buildfile is not None: bf = os.path.abspath( make.options.buildfile ) try: bbfile_data = bb.parse.handle(bf, make.cfg) except IOError: bb.fatal("Unable to open %s" % bf) item = bb.data.getVar('PN', bbfile_data, 1) try: self.tryBuildPackage( bf, item, bbfile_data ) except bb.build.EventException: bb.error( "Build of '%s' failed" % item ) sys.exit( self.stats.show() ) # initialise the parsing status now we know we will need deps self.status = BBParsingStatus() ignore = bb.data.getVar("ASSUME_PROVIDED", make.cfg, 1) or "" self.status.ignored_dependencies = Set( ignore.split() ) self.handleCollections( bb.data.getVar("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS", make.cfg, 1) ) pkgs_to_build = None if args: if not pkgs_to_build: pkgs_to_build = [] pkgs_to_build.extend(args) if not pkgs_to_build: bbpkgs = bb.data.getVar('BBPKGS', make.cfg, 1) if bbpkgs: pkgs_to_build = bbpkgs.split() if not pkgs_to_build and not make.options.show_versions and not make.options.interactive: print "Nothing to do. Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help'" print "for usage information." sys.exit(0) # Import Psyco if available and not disabled if not make.options.disable_psyco: try: import psyco except ImportError: if bbdebug == 0: bb.note("Psyco JIT Compiler (http://psyco.sf.net) not available. Install it to increase performance.") else: psyco.bind( make.collect_bbfiles ) else: bb.note("You have disabled Psyco. This decreases performance.") try: bb.debug(1, "collecting .bb files") make.collect_bbfiles( self.myProgressCallback ) bb.debug(1, "parsing complete") if bbdebug == 0: print if make.options.parse_only: print "Requested parsing .bb files only. Exiting." return bb.data.update_data( make.cfg ) self.buildDepgraph() if make.options.show_versions: self.showVersions() sys.exit( 0 ) if 'world' in pkgs_to_build: pkgs_to_build.remove('world') for t in self.status.world_target: pkgs_to_build.append(t) bb.event.fire(bb.event.BuildStarted(buildname, pkgs_to_build, make.cfg)) for k in pkgs_to_build: failed = False try: if self.buildProvider( k ) == 0: # already diagnosed failed = True except bb.build.EventException: bb.error("Build of " + k + " failed") failed = True if failed: if make.options.abort: sys.exit(1) bb.event.fire(bb.event.BuildCompleted(buildname, pkgs_to_build, make.cfg)) sys.exit( self.stats.show() ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nNOTE: KeyboardInterrupt - Build not completed." sys.exit(1) #============================================================================# # main #============================================================================# if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "BitBake Build Tool Core version %s, %%prog version %s" % ( bb.__version__, __version__ ), usage = """%prog [options] [package ...] Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of BitBake files. It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space seperated list of files to be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards. Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.""" ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--buildfile", help = "execute the task against this .bb file, rather than a package from BBFILES.", action = "store", dest = "buildfile", default = None ) parser.add_option( "-k", "--continue", help = "continue as much as possible after an error. While the target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot be remade, the other dependencies of these targets can be processed all the same.", action = "store_false", dest = "abort", default = True ) parser.add_option( "-f", "--force", help = "force run of specified cmd, regardless of stamp status", action = "store_true", dest = "force", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-i", "--interactive", help = "drop into the interactive mode.", action = "store_true", dest = "interactive", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--cmd", help = "Specify task to execute", action = "store", dest = "cmd", default = "build" ) parser.add_option( "-r", "--read", help = "read the specified file before bitbake.conf", action = "append", dest = "file", default = [] ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help = "output more chit-chat to the terminal", action = "store_true", dest = "verbose", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-D", "--debug", help = "Increase the debug level", action = "count", dest="debug", default = 0) parser.add_option( "-n", "--dry-run", help = "don't execute, just go through the motions", action = "store_true", dest = "dry_run", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--parse-only", help = "quit after parsing the BB files (developers only)", action = "store_true", dest = "parse_only", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--disable-psyco", help = "disable using the psyco just-in-time compiler (not recommended)", action = "store_true", dest = "disable_psyco", default = False ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--show-versions", help = "show current and preferred versions of all packages", action = "store_true", dest = "show_versions", default = False ) options, args = parser.parse_args( sys.argv ) make.options = options cooker = BBCooker() cooker.cook( args[1:] )